
Posts Tagged ‘play’

Playing and Training

Update:  The Puppy is now called The Monster.   Yes he’s an adolescent, and I love him to pieces!

I’ve been taking some online classes since I’m not particularly thrilled with the obedience classes offered locally.  The only competition classes are more force based than I want to be.  So…  I’ve audited several from Denise Fenzi and am currently auditing her “heeling games” class and trying to work The Monster with the many play-based moves that are presented.  One problem I’ve had is that sometimes he doesn’t seem to want to play.  He’ll engage with me for a little while, but then flop down on the floor (if we are in the basement) or retreat to a crate (if we are in the kitchen area) to chew on whatever toy we were using.  He did this several times the other day with his rope-and-ball combination toy.  It seems like I’m the one doing all the work.

But… this morning he came running into the bedroom with the rope-and-ball toy in his mouth and actually asked me to play!  (Of course this does means he counter-surfed to steal that toy…. but… I gleefully ignored that :-).  Perhaps we made progress?  I didn’t ask for any “formal” obedience, I just rolled around on the floor with him and played.

My goals:

  1. Increase the value of playing with me
  2. Work=Play
  3. Specific “fun” moves are a reward for work/engagement

The Monster says: I might be confident, but I can still be over-faced!  Short and Fun should be your goal!

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